Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Oral presentations, poster presentations and short talks will be accepted at the congress. Oral presentations must be in the format in which the results of a study are presented. An oral presentation in the form of a review will not be accepted.

Short talks should be a maximum of 15 minutes. It is not necessary to present a study result in short talks. Up-to-date information can also be presented in the form of a review. However, a limited number of short talk quotas are available.

Language of congress is English or Turkish. However, all the abstracts and slides of presentations should be in English. All the invited talks, oral presentations or short talks can be either in English or Turkish.

Hope to see you.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:
August 18, 2023

Decision on Abstract: 
August 19, 2023

Bursary Application Deadline:
August 18, 2023

Decision on Bursaries:
August 19, 2023

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All accepted abstracts of the congress will be published at the Online Congress Abstract Book (as PDF file).

All the presentations will be published as an abstract or full text, depending on demand, in the East Black Sea Journal of Health Sciences. Full texts should be submitted according to the rules of the journal.

Short talks could be a review of a topic or original article of the presentation made. However, oral presentations cannot be a review, but only the original article of the presentation made.

Oral presentations and short talks will be accepted for presentation after scientific committee review.

Submission of an abstract implies that the presenting author will register for and attend the congress to present the abstract as an/a oral/poster presentation or as a short talk.
Each registered participant can submit one abstract only (as a presenter).
Congress Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the type of presentation (oral/poster/short talks) of the abstract or to reject it.

Abstracts submitted for the congress must be written in English.


Instructions for Abstract Submission

Please remember to state your preference of presentation (oral/poster presentation or short talks)and avoid abbreviations in the title.

  • Please state authors’ full names (without any academic titles) & full address of the institute/workplace.
  • Underline the presenting author.
  • Abstracts must not exceed 250 words.
  • No figures, no tables in it please! Up to 5 references can be given.
  • Key words should be included in the just below the abstract. A minimum of three and a maximum of six words should be used.
  • Organize the abstract text into the following section headings. The headings should be kept in the text as well.
    • Introduction and Aim
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion
  • Abstracts of still ongoing research without confirmed results (except case reports) shall not be considered.
  • Reviews cannot be accepted. However, short talks may be a review of recent knowledge.
  • Abstracts should be written in clear, concise language & authors are requested to carefully check the spelling. Presenting author is responsible for spelling & accuracy and the content as well as its legality/ethics-related issues.

Abstracts not conforming to any of the requirements written above shall not be considered, irrespective of their contents.

Evaluation of The Abstracts

Abstract evaluation will be performed by a relevant expert commission. During the review process researchers’ names, institutions and address details will be hidden.

For submissions to be considered, at least one of the abstract’s authors must have completed the congress registration procedure.

Short talks will not be rewarded.

Notification of Abstract Acceptance/Refusal

After evaluation, an acceptance/rejection letter will be sent to the presenting author on August 14, 2023.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Posters should be prepared on a single page.
  • Poster size: 70-90 cm (width) x 90-110 cm (height)
  • At the top of the poster please note abstract title, authors and addresses.
  • An e-mail address of presenting author should be displayed on the right hand-side upper corner.
  • Posters should be readable by viewers from the two meters away.
  • Materials needed to hang posters will be available at the poster area.

Abstract Example

Presentation Preference: Oral Presentation / Poster Presentation / Short Talks


Name Lastname1, Name Lastname2, Name Lastname3

1Department of XXX, Faculty of XXX, University of XXX, Zip Code, City, Country

2Department of YYY, Faculty of YYY, University of YYY, Zip Code, City, Country

Introduction and Aim:

Materials and Methods:



Key words:

Abstracts should be sent to abstractmokad@gmail.com! (please word file)

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If you have any questions, please contact us